Weekly BUZZ - Medical Professionals

Lose the hospital gown and get Reboundwear™. Science has proven that the connection between mind and body affects health outcomes and a positive mindset enhances healing. Reboundwear athletic wear will help you to look great and feel better while you're on the mend.
"I just saw your video about your company Reboundwear. WHAT A GREAT IDEA! As a medical student, everyday I see and have to deal with the situation you described with your friend with breast cancer. Besides the uncomfortableness of changing clothes, it is a hassle, it hurts, and often times you end up exposing more of yourself than you want. But you just kind of give up because its not a fight worth having. We are always trying to give patients their privacy, but of course, we are always failing, even with your best efforts and intentions. The idea of rebound wear is SO smart and such a need. For wounds, diabetics!, broken bones, ports. I remember when I broke my collarbone a few years back, I couldnt do anything by myself. Changing was the last thing on my mind. I was wearing cardigan sweaters buttoned to the top because i couldnt get a shirt over my head. I often didnt even wear a bra because it was just too much effort and pain. (It was not a good look.) Rebound wear would have been SO huge for me. Wearing the same boring clothes everyday and having it be work to get into those clothes definitely were major factors in my depression that followed. I remember when I finally started doing better bone healing wise, my mom told me, "you have to stop wearing those black spandex and cardigans. you need to get dressed up." and I said why. there is no point. and she said "itll make you feel better to wear something fun and bright and different." (you know my mom.) I didnt care though. I was in pain and depressed. But i slowly started again and I can tell you what it did to my mood. So long story short, your clothes not only give people the privacy, the comfort, the ease, the decreased pain but it also can give them a happier outlook on life. Be more themselves. Be confident again. I will definitely be recommending your brand to patients! What a great idea! So simple and yet no market to my knowledge. Congratulations!" Lule Rault, Medical Student at Tulane University School of Medicine
"As a practicing specialist for 40 years, I was very impressed with your (Reboundwear's) adaptive athletic wear products that help to facilitate dressing for patients with rehabilitation needs. For those patients who have undergone various forms of surgery or medical procedures that require rehabilitation, it can be quite challenging and debilitating just getting dressed. Your (Reboundwear's) products have been meticulously designed to reduced obstacles between the patient and the doctors, PT (Physical Therapy) specialists, other clinicians or care givers. The soft zippered fabrics make everyones life easier. I am pleased to endorse Reboundwear". John L. Melvin, MD. Jefferson University Physicians, Chair, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
"On Behalf of the SLE Lupus Foundation and the more than 1.5 million Americans suffering with lupus, I'm pleased to write a supporting letter for Reboundwear. Lupus is a chronic, debilitating autoimmune disease where the body randomly attacks itself--heart, lungs, brain, skin, and kidneys, can be affected, but most commonly, the joints. With the joints, it creates limited mobility and range of motion. Many times, arthritic hands are common, which makes it impossible to do normal day-to-day activities such as getting dressed. Prednisone (steroids) is the main medication prescribed, and with long-term use, it causes joints and bones to deteriorate. This often results in hip and knee replacement surgeries. Reboundwear is a wonderful product line option for people with lupus who suffer with physical limitations from the disease. We will be pleased to promote Reboundwear.com on our website as a resource for patients as well as on our social media platforms. Thank you for inventing a product line that can be so helpful to the lupus community." Margaret G. Dowd, Executive Director, S.L.E. Lupus Foundation
"I am so pleased to endorse Reboundwear's innovative line of adaptive athletic clothing...specifically designed for people with physical impairment and/or disability. As a physician treating people with disability for 45 years, I am not aware of any other company designing and producing adaptive clothing for that population. I must compliment you (Reboundwear) for using quality materials with comfortably soft fabrics.". Kristjan T. Ragnarsson, MD. Physiatrist and Rehabilitation Specialist, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, NY NY on April 29, 2016
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